The fun is over...


Ensam hemma med Smi. Schysst käk, något glas vin, någon bärs och självklart med nostalgipunkmusik som är äckligt aktuellt än idag. 
Flux of Pink Indians strömmade vackert ut ur högtalarna! / J 


We're all conditioned to think ten tellies are better than one
And to blow this world up ten times is better than to blow it up once
Billions spent on destroying the world while millions starve, where did we go wrong?
Where did we go wrong? maybe you don't think that this is wrong?

We as one are saying
Feed starving people
Fuck your bombs

All through our lives we are shoved about
Some of us scream, some of us shout
Some of us complain, protest
While others smile in ecstasy
Why is it accepted as the way to live
Our bodies falling through one big sieve
We're sorted out, brushed and combed
Some smile, some frown
Some reject this way to live
And pay the price to how they exist

Who are you?
What are you?
What do you do?
What are you doing?
What are you doing it for?
What are you doing it for?

We can't accept their disrespect
Their eyes and bombs that watch over us
Their systems creating war
While society breeds hate
And they make out that it's normal
For people to fight and hate
They shove toy guns on impressionable children
Their future soldiers of war?
Is it too late for us all to change?
Have we gone too far?

We as one are saying
We don't want your life no more
Fuck off

Lyrics by Colin Latter / Kevin Biscoe

Kommentera gärna:

  • Håkan Bengtsson • 4 oktober 2017 07:58:47
    Kul att läsa en Flux text igen. Har nyss hittat en ny favorit, Sleaford Mods. De är geniala, kallar det electro Crass.
  • Hallo Håkan, kul att höras! Tack för tipset, ska genast kolla upp Sleaford Mods! Hörs / J

    4 oktober 2017 09:21:22

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  • Pia Jonsson » Överbelastningsattack...:  ”Härligt!!! Du fångade dom”

  • Harry Eriksson » Fluff...:  ”Snyggt Fångat Foto på Hökugglan ! -Inte var dag som man ser den !”

  • Håkan Vargas S. » Grunnaren...:  ”Hej Jörgen! Har då och då funderat på dig - ser att jag snart hamnar i "samma si..”

  • Per Georgsson » TakeOff...:  ”Snygga foto du förmedlar ”

  • Annelie Ålund » Saknad...:  ”❤”
